Holbrook House Farm
Holbrook House Farm

Tree Care Newsletter

Holbrook Tree Care Newsletter


Winter moths and Gypsy moths will be spotty this spring.

We are relying on you to call or e-mail us ASAP to get on the list for spraying.

There is a problem on Cape Cod this year with Lecanium Hard Scale.

Black Oak Gall WaspNative bugs that control these problems are way down, so pest problems are going to go way up.

Other big problems are fungal root rot, in or on oaks and maples. The signs are crown dieback. Please look at tops of trees. Mites and other sucking insects on evergreens are still a big problem. Look for browning of trees.

For more information on these topics please read the pages of this website.

With 2020 behind us and 2021 upon us, see the list below for the many ways that Holbrook House can help you maintain a healthy and attractive landscape.

Tree Trimming and pruning: This improves aesthetics safety, and health of trees and shrubs.

Planting and transplanting: Under your direction and with our expertise, we will help you realize your vision.

Spring & Fall: horticultural oil-Organic pest or insect control, used on primarily fruit trees and shrubs.

Spring pest spray: Proven chemistry applied in a timely manner, insuring positive results.

Pine Tip Moth Spray: With Pitch Pines, the larvae feed on new growth of cones and shoots. Look for dead shoots, twig dieback and holes in cones. Two sprays in the spring are recommended.

Poison Ivy and Vine Spray:  Applied in spring, mid, or late summer.

Knotweed Spray:  With reddish-purple shoot and heart-shaped leaves, this perennial plant is quite invasive and hearty. Two or more sprays in fall are recommended.

Comfort spray: Used to control mosquitoes, sand fleas, &  mites.

Winter and Gypsy moth spraying: Call early to get on the list. This helps prevent defoliation of trees and shrubs. Using the safest chemistry available today. Once these pests eat the product, they become dehydrated then die.

Midsummer pest mitigation: With Spruce and Furs, check for spider mites. Put white paper under the branch tap hard, and then look for crawlers.

Safer Soap Spray:  We use this non-pesticide to kill Hard Scale and soft body insects.

Horticultural Oil Spray: A non-pesticide is used to kill soft-bodied insects on woody ornamentals and trees.

Fungicide spray: Light fungal problems on plants, shrubs, & trees. Once powdery mildew is identified, (appearing as a dusting of flour or in some cases, yellowing and drying the leaves) the course of action is to remove all litter and a fungicide spray.

Fungal Ground & Folder Drench:  Spring/Midsummer. Treats heavier fungal problems on Rhododendron, and Azalea plants.

Pest and tick control:  Applied spring, midsummer, and fall. We offer two programs:
Organic spray is generally used around animal and children’s play areas. Non-organic generally is used on the exterior edges of property.

Anti-desiccant Spray: - Applied in December and February, Recommended for plants in windy & cold areas.

Organic Fertilization: Spring & Fall: Through ground injection, Kelp and Humate is applied to the root system to strengthen and encourage new growth. This also improving the all-around health of trees and plants.

Arborjet Trunk Injection SystemDiseased tree treatments: Pest & Fungal Treatments using the latest Arbor-jet trunk inject system, we can treat a variety of diseases. Pests-look for holes in bark and or misshapen limbs, early leaf drop. After a rain, look for mushrooms under the tree. We will come out and take a look and prescribe a course of action.

Trunk inject - White Oak Decline Therapy: Applied in spring and fall. This treats a variety of diseases. We will come out and take a look and prescribe a course of action. Currently on Cape Cod, white oak decline has become widespread. One of the symptoms are defoliation from the top down. We need to start treatment when it is detected (the day after you look up).

The following are problems with plant and tree healthcare: 

1 - The first problem property owner not aware, not looking up. We offer free site a valuation.
2 - Leaving the problem to fix itself, equals not doing anything.
3 - Praying for divine intervention! I have personally seen and believe that it does happen.
Problem being, he seems to be quite busy at this time.

We offer free on-site evaluations. Call us at 508-362-3348 or E-mail johnholbrook@comcast.net

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