Sudden Oak Death Prevention and Treatment
Oak Trees become weakened over time from drought, water logging, and frost pests. We can help save your trees from Sudden Oak Death.
What is Sudden Oak Death Tree Disease:
Sudden Oak Death on Cape Cod is caused by recent defoliation caused by Gypsy moth and Winter moth, along with Gall Wasp infestations. A lack of rain is also a contributing factor.
As years of stress continue, Oak tree decline has become more obvious. Dieback from tips of branches, sparse foliage on branches along with early leaf drop are some of the signs of Sudden Oak Death.
During times of stress, common forest fungus create root like structures, growing through the soil. They attach on to healthy roots girdling then killing large buttress roots.
Sudden Oak Death Treatment:
After a FREE Onsite Tree Evaluation by an Arborist from Holbrook House Farm, we will propose a course of action to help save your oak trees.
Sudden Oak Death research along with our years of experience has shown tree trunk injections are an effective treatment. These injections include a fungicide root stimulator. We also perform ground injections with kelp and humates to aerate the soil. This allows good bacteria to thrive reducing root attack.
For more information about how Holbrook House Farm identifies the diseases and conditions that cause Sudden Oak Death call us and ask for a free evaluation of your oak trees. Please call John Holbrook today:
Call Us at 508-362-3388 or email
More About Sudden Oak Death Disease:
Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a water mold pathogen. The pathogen is also the cause of the Ramorum Leaf Blight, Ramorum Dieback and Phytophthora Canker Diseases. More than 75 plant species can either be infected by Phytophthora ramorum or facilitate its spread.
The source of the causes of Sudden Oak Death can come from many sources. The may include nursery stock, wind-blown rain, contaminated irrigation water, infected plants and contaminated soil or potting mix.
Symptoms of Sudden Oak Death include; bark cankers or calluses on woody portions of trees, often seeping a black or reddish ooze, leaf spots, and twig dieback.
If you suspect that your trees may be infected with Sudden Oak Death Disease you should call John Holbrook and schedule an examination as soon as possible.
Call Us at 508-362-3388 or email
Helpful Sudden Oak Death Links:
University of Massachusetts Amherst: Phytophthora ramorum
Photo Credit: USDA - no copyright infringement is intended
Many Cape Cod oak trees are falling victim to Sudden Oak Death. John Holbrook identifies the diseases and conditions that cause Sudden Oak Death. The advanced treatments utilized by Holbrook House Farm are highly effective and can help save your valuable Cape Cod oak trees.